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Left-Center-Right is an ongoing project that I am currently working on. It is a relatively simple multiplayer dice game where each player's roll determines where they must pass one of their "chips," and the last player with "chips" is the winner. 


While the game it is based on is simple, this program is a prime showcase for Object Oriented Programming principals through the implementation of several custom classes to create objects for the players, the dice, external file input/output, and the execution of the game logic. 

LCR Start
LCR Code

Created in Visual Studio 17 using C++, custom Player, Dice, Game, and File classes were created, featuring a multitude of member variables and methods in each. 


The current focus of this project is to add a Graphical User Interface. This has resulted in the need for significant re-design of the Game class which executes the game-loop and manages the rules.  

A Windows Form was added to the project to create the window and GUI. It then became a matter of transitioning the program from text-based to GUI input.


This required changes to all of the classes to receive the input and to conform with the implementation of the Windows Form program architecture. 

The biggest hurdle has been porting of Game class, which executes the game-loop. Transitioning from a Console application utilizing the standard input stream, to integrating in to the event-based system of the Windows Form has been a challenge. 


After taking a different design approach for the Game class, I was able to overcome the challenge and get the basic functionality working. Though, some work remains to get the program finalized.

Visual Studio project files for Left-Center-Right  can be found in my GitHub portfolio repository. This is an active project, so changes may be frequently added. 




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