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Maze Madness is an Unreal Engine C++ game project. All of the major components were created using UE's C++ integration with Visual Studio. A multitude of custom C++ classes were created for each component: the main player character, enemy characters and AI, pick-up items, user interface and menu, camera controls, game mode controller, and others. The creation of the classes in C++ allows for complete customization of the implementation and functionality and complete control of in-game objects. 


Maze Madness Project Files

As part of my recent Game Programming and Development degree capstone project, I made additional refinements to the Maze Madness game. An overview of these enhancement, focusing on the addition of a more complex AI opponent, can be seen in the video embedded here. 

This First Person Shooter Game is an Unreal Engine Blueprints group project in which I was the Team Leader/Producer charged with making design decisions, ensuring milestone completion, as well as contributing to game programming. In this game, the player has been shrunken in order to enter a body and hunt viruses. The player has 10 minutes to destroy the required number of enemies. There are 3 unique virus types, each with their own AI behavior and attacks. A fully implemented health and stamina system includes sprinting, rocket-jumps, energy depleting projectiles, and health and stamina restoring pick-up items. Player toggled moving elevators and platforms, along with other moving objects create a dynamic environment. 


Group FPS Project Files

Fuzzy Farmer is a third-person Unreal Blueprints game in which the player collects objects that randomly move around the level. These "fuzzies" are partially covered and the player must destroy patches of grass with a UFO's transporter beam in order to uncover the creatures and collect them. This game features destructible objects, randomized movement of "fuzzies," dynamically created transporter beam weapons, and smart collision detection. 


Fuzzy Farmer Project Files

As part of my recent degree capstone project I made additional refinements to the Fuzzy Farmer project. These enhancements focused on improving the visual appeal of the game to give the player a more engaging experience. An overview of these changes can be seen in this video.


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