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The Platforms & Portals game prototype demonstrates the implementation of multiple interesting gameplay mechanics that required some complex problem solving and programming to get functional. The portal mechanic especially, took quite a bit of effort to get working properly. 

Platforms Spawning
Splats and Destructible Boxes

This game originated as a project focusing on the use of graphics libraries to create run-time procedural mesh objects with a paintball theme. I began with the creation of randomized "splats" created by the projectiles, and destructible blocks that use dynamic materials to change the way they look after being hit. Creating these objects at run-time lead to the idea of having the player spawn platforms that they could then place in the level in order to reach new areas.

Though the project originated as a way to learn about the use of libraries and run-time graphics components, throughout its development my biggest lessons learned have been with the creation and manipulation of game objects in 3-D space. The spawning, movement, and placement of the platforms and portals forced me to learn more about how objects are placed and manipulated in the engine, including location coordinates, relative rotation, and normal vectors.


These lessons relate directly to the biggest challenges that I faced during the project. Namely, the calculations and processes involved in spawning the portal objects in the proper location, rotation, and orientation. The goal was to spawn the portal flat against whatever object the player aims at, whether that was a wall, ceiling, floor, or any other object in game.

Code for Spawnig a Portal
Spawned Portals

The original project featured static portals that the player activated with an energy beam and was then transported to predetermined coordinates in the level. As I continued to work on the game and prepare it for my portfolio, I realized I wanted to focus on adding the ability for the player to create the portals and determine the transport location. I felt like this mechanic would open the door for a lot of different game-play possibilities. Taking obvious inspiration from the "Portal" games, this project provided a nice challenge and invaluable experience going forward. 

This video provides an overview of the key mechanics of the game prototype in action and discusses some of the development process

This project also included work on a fully functional and implemented User Interface system. The video and screenshots below highlight the work done on this portion of the prototype. 

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